Become an HC4V Clinician
HC4V is honored by the participation of clinicians worldwide who are ready and willing to support the cause of veterans in need. All clinicians on our list provide neurofeedback services for veterans. They have received various levels of training from different organizations and use a variety of protocols and adjunct therapies.

HC4V providers commit to:
» Provide neurofeedback for at least one veteran at a time at no cost -- through a minimum of 20 neurofeedback sessions.
» Provide to HC4V a basic annual summary of your impact on veterans’ health so that we can promote the program in media and press releases. We highly encourage you to use the included symptom tracking available as part of your participation which allows a much more detailed tracking of our combined impact.
» Maintain an office with a professional decorum and certified or licensed health care practitioners who meet the requirements for health-related services in your state.
» If appropriate, please connect veterans with further services such as and other professional or appropriate medical referrals as you see fit.
» While it’s wonderful if you can accommodate more than one veteran at a time, participation requires accepting at least one veteran at a time. You may offer a waiting list for interest beyond your available donated session times. If a veteran wishes to bypass the waiting list, they can choose to pay your usual fees or use insurance to be seen as a regular patient of yours under your standard fee structure.
» Free services for veterans within the HC4V program must be entirely free. Billing insurance for these services is not in keeping with the spirit of this effort and is grounds for removal from this program and the listing. Reasons for removal also include using HC4V as bait-and-switch and then only partially discounting services, requiring they purchase other products or services to gain access, offering less than 20 sessions such as “first two neurofeedback sessions free,” or creating an artificial delay to force veterans into paid services. All of these activities are not in keeping with the spirit of this non-profit effort built to serve veterans.
If you agree with the requirements above:
HC4V provides a professional listing in the HC4V Directory of providers at no cost. You will also receive free access to symptom tracking tools here on the HC4V website. The professional listing uses donations and the goodwill of our partners to reach international visibility and prominence in the media and search engines.
If you wish to discontinue offering services to veterans through this HC4V non-profit effort, you agree to notify us so we can remove your listing.
The PTSD Checklist is a client evaluation form for participating providers to gather intake information from veterans as they start in the program.
Download the Form »
To become a provider, please contact:
Outreach Coordinator
(877) 334-4334
For provider listings please include the following information:
(* are required fields)
Degree and/or License number* (to verify your credentials)
Name of practice (if applicable)
Address* (no PO boxes please)
Telephone number*
Website and/or email address
Sample Listing:
Sue Othmer
EEG Institute
6400 Canoga Ave., Suite 210
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(818) 456-5975 (ph)
(818) 373-1331 (fax) -
Special Thanks
Mind Alive Inc. has been generous enough to donate 10 free PALs to these clinicians who are willing to work with the veterans. This would allow veterans to take units home for use between neurofeedback sessions or maybe even for those located outside areas where neurofeedback is available.
For more information please contact:
Mind Alive Inc.
9008 - 51 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6E 5X4
1(800) 661-MIND (6463) or (780) 450-3729 (ph) -
Heartmath has generously donated 3 serial Freeze Framer units for Heart Rate Variability training.
For more information please contact:
Carol Thompson
14700 W. Park Ave.
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
(831) 338-8781 (ph) -
Also, a cordial "thank you" goes out to the neurofeedback providers who are generously donating their time to make this project possible.
Read some of the generous comments from participants: